D.A. Townley.  -  Plan Administrators    



Death of a Member Prior to Retirement

  1. What is the death benefit if I die before retirement?
1. What is the death benefit if I die before retirement?
The death benefit is equal to the sum of the contributions your employer(s) has contributed on your behalf, with interest. 

If you have a spouse and she or he has not filed a spousal waiver, your spouse may elect to transfer the death benefit to a locked-in RRSP or, under certain statutory conditions, to another pension plan or use it to purchase a deferred life annuity, LIF or LRIF. He or she can also use it to buy an annuity to provide lifetime retirement income. 

If you do not have a spouse, or if your spouse has filed a spousal waiver, your beneficiary (or your estate) will receive the death benefit. This money will be taxable in their hands.


Form Link
Death of Member Forms

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Printable Version of the Pension Plan Booklet

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